Help! I'm trapped on the wrong planet.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

The Overlords are displeased. They have set things up so that the people of this planet will work, breed, die...and not question anything as long as they can be amused by the few trinkets (iPods, Hummers, Manolo shoes, etc.) that are made available to them.

Some of you are trying to flex your pitifully primitive intellects. Some of you are starting to question. Some of you are starting to ask too many questions. Some of those questions are starting to become uncomfortable...You know what the punishment will be.

If you persist, you will be dealt with harshly...All of you will be dealt with harshly. I have been put here by some insane mistake or some cosmic joke, and have no wish to share your fate. That is why you who question threaten MY existence. They will disguise the punishment as global warming, a solar flare, an asteroid run amuck, holes in the ozone layer....Do not be fooled. It is because you seek to eat from the Tree of Knowledge. You have been specifically warned not to do this.

I say, "Do not question...accept". It is the only path to survival.

I have been put here by mistake, but I am capable of causing great harm if I perceive a threat. I am trapped among stupid people who are not quite stupid enough to understand the way things are and will always be. Your leaders have been chosen for the specific purpose of enhacing the ability of the human species to survive. Do not question not seek to change anything...just shut up, and go along. You will one day thank me for this advice.

You're welcome.

If there are any of my fellow beings out there who know where I can turn for help or to aid in my escape, please...I beg me. I am desperate.



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